Phytochemicals from Ajwa dates pulp extract induce …

In this study, we analyzed the phytoconstituents in ethanolic Ajwa Dates Pulp Extract (ADPE) by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC–MS) and …

Antioxidant and Tissue-Protective Studies on Ajwa

Ajwa extract treated group (300 mg/kg/day, for 14 days) were evaluated for lead acetate (500 ppm in drinking water for 14 days) intoxication compared to lead acetate alone-intoxicated group; Ajwa ...

Аонори: Хатаасан далайн байцааны нунтаг, ширхэгийг …

Аонори нь нунтаг амтлагч зэрэгт хэрэглэгддэг фурикаке (Далайн замагны хальс, кацуобүши (хатаасан bonito ширхэг), гүнжидийн үр, шичими тогараши (Япон амтлагчийн холимог) зэргээр хийсэн цагаан ...

(PDF) Ajwa Date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Extract

Introduction: Phoenix dactylifera L (Date palm) is a native plant of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and other Middle Eastern countries. Ajwa date has been described in the traditional and ...

19 Potential Health Benefits Of Ajwa Dates

1. "He who has a morning meal of seven 'ajwa dates will not suffer harm that day through toxins or magic." (Bukhari, Hadith 5327 and Muslim, Hadith 3814) 2. 'Aisha reported …

Identification of Phytochemicals of Phoenix dactylifera L. Cv Ajwa …

Examples LC-MS/MS data of Ajwa date fruit extract. Ai and Aii: Peak with retention time 4.671 min was analyzed with a pseudomolecular peak [M-H]-at m/z = 497.1 indicating the presence of O ...

Comparative Analysis of Metal Ions and Texture of Ajwa …

Ajwa powder generated by motor and pestle yielded approximately 204.54 mg/100 g of calcium, which was significantly higher than commercial Ajwa powder (65.01 mg/100 g). Interestingly, FTIR data suggested a slightly shift of the chemical peaks from the commercial to lab grinded tested powder. This study signifies the medicinal effect of …

Excel программ дээр огноо, өдөр, долоо хоног, сар, …

Дүгнэж хэлье. Хэрэв та Excel дээр огноог хасах шаардлагатай бол та хүсэж байгаа бол хоёр огнооны хоорондох өдрийн тоог тодорхойлох, үүнийг хамгийн энгийн бөгөөд хамгийн ойлгомжтой аргаар хийх нь утга учиртай - нэг ...

Дарь утаа: найрлага. Утаа буюу утаагүй нунтаг

Хүн бүр тэр нунтаг мэддэг - энэ шүү дээ, тэсрэх projectile хөдөлгөөнийг өгөх зэвсгийн төрөл бүрийн хэрэглэдэг юм. Дараах дарины төрлийн хуваарилах: 1. дарь утаа: энгийн ан; Сонгомол. 2. Утаагүй ...

8 Benefits of Eating Ajwa Dates (Khajoor)

There are many hadith mentioning Ajwa dates and we have quoted a few of them below. 1. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: "if somebody takes seven Ajwa dates in the morning, neither …

Огнооны сироп

АМТТАЙ Хамгийн чихэрлэг огнооны сироп нь олон төрлийн хоол хийхэд төгс амтлагч юм. Энэхүү баялаг карамель амттай сиропт огнооны бүх амтыг шингээдэг. Гэхдээ гол зүйл нь амтанд нь биш, харин бусад бүтээгдэхүүний амтыг ...

The Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of Ajwa Date …

Novelty of our data came from using Ajwa date fruit to prevent and treat colon toxicity induced by diclofenac. This is the first report on that. To the best of our …

Огноо жимс – Миний ойролцоох эрүүл хүнс

Нийтлэл; Хоол хүнс. Эрхтнүүдийн хоолны дэглэмийг жагсаах; Хоол тэжээлийн тогтолцооны жагсаалт


Энэтхэг, албан ёсоор Бүгд Найрамдах Энэтхэг Улс, бол Өмнөд Азийн Энэтхэгийн хойгт орших бүрэн эрхт улс юм. Мөн дэлхийн долоодугаар том газар нутагтай, хүн амын тогоороо хоёрдугаарт, эдийн засгаараа дөрөвдүгээрт ...

Role of Ajwa Date Fruit Pulp and Seed in the …

Our data show that Ajwa seed methanol extract reduced the browning intensity, aggregation index, and amyloid structures as compared to control samples. …

Treating Doxorubicin associated Cardiotoxicity using …

Recently studies performed that Ajwa dates are beneficial for ischemic heart disease and Also showed that pre treatment with Ajwa extract helps in mitigate myocyte injury and indicating a potential for Ajwa extract used to preserve cardiac function in patient at high risk for IHD. Ajwa dates regularly less susceptible to disease and infections.

Trends in Food Science Technology

exclusively for Ajwa dates. The excellent phytochemicals profile placed Ajwa dates at top among other date varieties. Recently, new in vitro and in vivo studies prove the effectiveness of Ajwa dates.

Cytostatic and Anti-tumor Potential of Ajwa Date Pulp …

Ajwa dates (Phoenix dactylifera L.) are used by traditional therapeutic practitioners for several health benefits but most remain to be scientifically validated. In this study, we evaluated the apoptosis-inducing effect of ethanolic extract of Ajwa date pulp (ADP) on human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) HepG2 cells.

Excel DAYS360 функц: Он тоолсон өдрүүдийг тоолох

Тэмдэглэл: Excel-ээр он сар өдрийг тооцоолохдоо 1904 оны 1-р сарын 1-нд Windows компьютерүүд болон 1904 оны 1-р сарын 1 Macintosh компьютерууд дээр зохиомол огнооны хувьд 0-р эхлэх хүртэл цуваа тоонууд руу ...

Phytochemical analysis and nephroprotective potential of Ajwa …

2.1. Ajwa date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) aqueous extract preparationAjwa date was bought from the date market in Jeddah, KSA; established and recognized by a professor of plant taxonomy; and banked in the Herbarium of Biological Sciences Department, KAU (specimen voucher number: P. dactylifera L. #PD17569). The flesh of …

Discrimination and Nitric Oxide Inhibitory Activity Correlation of Ajwa

Ajwa dates were shown to have different metabolite compositions and exhibited a wide range of NO inhibitory activity. It is also revealed that Ajwa Grade 1 from the al-Aliah farm exhibited more than 90% NO inhibitory activity compared to the other grades and origins. Phenolic compounds were among the compounds that played a role towards the ...

15 Types Of Date Fruits, Explained

SS 360/Shutterstock. Khudri dates come from the Arabian Peninsula, much like other date varieties. However, they are smaller, have a reddish, white, or black color, and have a soft and chewy ...

(PDF) Role of Ajwa Date Fruit Pulp and Seed in the …

Ajwa seed showed minimum browning intensity by 63.2%, percent aggregation index by 64.2%, and amyloid structure by 63.8% at 600 μg/mL. At 100 mg/mL, Ajwa seed extract exhibited good antibacterial ...

Best 25 Different Types of Dates in Saudi Arabia

22- Dabbas kuran : are one of the best selling dates in the United Arab Emirates and are one of the smallest date varieties in the world, it has an oval shape and a beautiful, golden brown exterior, despite …

Nutritional assessment of ajwa date flesh and pits in …

Request PDF | Nutritional assessment of ajwa date flesh and pits in comparison to local varieties | The study was designed to characterize ajwa flesh and …

Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial potential of Ajwa date

Ajwa dates have a known for being antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial. It has been established that date palm extract taken orally can modify the immune response by controlling cytokines. Polyphenols act as a mediator between Ajwa dates' biological effects, which include their flavonoids, glycosides, and phenolic acids. In ...

Google Шийт дэхь өдрүүдийн хооронд ажлын өдрийн тоо …

Tutorial: NETWORKDAYS функцийг хэрхэн ашиглах вэ. Google Шийт нь хэд хэдэн огнооны функцтэй бөгөөд бүлгийн функц бүр өөр ажил хийдэг. NETWORKDAYS функцийг бүхэл бүтэн бизнес эсвэл ажлын өдрийг тооцож эхэлж ...

Excel-ийн DATEDIF-ийг Count өдрүүд, сар, эсвэл хэдэн жил …

DATEDIF-ыг Excel, Excel-д тоолох өдрүүд, сар, эсвэл жилүүдийг тоолох. Excel нь хоёр огнооны хоорондох өдрийн тоог тооцоолоход хэрэглэгддэг хэд хэдэн функцуудтай. Өдөр тутмын функц бүр өөр өөр ажил ...

Effect of aqueous extract of ajwa dates on C2C12 myoblast …

Ajwa dates were purchased from Indonesian local shop.The pr eparation method of ajwa dates extract was adapted and modified from Al-Farsi et al. (2003) [8]. Briefly, the dates were dried at 4°C ...

Buy Dates Online, Dry Dates Price 1kg – Ajfan Store

We never compromise on quality, which is why our dates are free from any additives, preservatives, or artificial colors. Trust us to deliver only the highest quality dates straight to your doorstep. Buy different varieties of best-quality dry dates online. Buy 1 kg Dry dates like Ajwa khajoor, Medjool Dates, Deri Dates, and Ajwa Dates.

60 цагаан толгойн огнооны санаа

Бид танд 60 цагаан толгойн огнооны санааг танилцуулахаар ирлээ. Та сэтгэл догдлуулж буй шинэ хосууд эсвэл дахин сэргэх шаардлагатай туршлагатай хамтрагчид байгаа эсэхээс үл хамааран бидний a-аас Я хүртэлх гарын ...